Threading model

The threading model is fundamentally cooperative rather than pre-emptive. The Skulpt compiler has been modified to automatically insert ‘cede control’ calls in the bodies of ‘for’ and ‘while’ loops. This is a pragmatic approach, and gives behaviour close to Scratch’s: people are used to saying forever: , and so we wanted the Python equivalent while True: to behave similarly.

Thread groups

The entire set of threads is held in a collection of ‘thread groups’. Each one contains one or more threads. Each thread is in a particular state, such as running, or sleeping while waiting to be woken by some external condition.

The primary motivation for collecting threads into groups was to ease the implementation of the Scratch-like ‘broadcast and wait’ mechanism, whereby the thread performing the broadcast then sleeps until all threads created in response to that broadcast have run to completion.

Automatically-inserted cede-control points

To give semi-automatic ceding of control, in support of familiar Scratch idioms like forever: do-once-per-frame-stuff, we want to have the Skulpt compiler insert ‘yield-until-next-frame’ (‘YNF’) calls into loop bodies, but only for ‘Pytch programs’. A ‘Pytch program’ is detected by the presence of an import pytch statement; after seeing such an import, all for and while loops have YNF calls inserted as the first statement of their bodies. The effect of this is that there is a yield point before each run of a loop body. Inserting the YNF call at the end of the loop body would have the undesired effect that continue statements would bypass the yield.

Sometimes the user has a legitimate need for a loop to run ‘all at once’, such as when checking a list of conditions without updating the Sprite’s state. Pytch provides a context manager which lets multiple loop iterations run in one frame; see LoopIterationsPerFrame and the decorator non_yielding_loop.

There is precedent for this behaviour, whereby a magic import changes the language’s semantics, in Python’s various from __future__import something mechanisms.

Time is sliced by ‘frame’

Every frame, all thread-groups are given the chance to run. A thread-group has a one_frame() method to do this. It returns a list — which might be empty — of the thread groups which are now live. This list is found by calling all the thread-group’s contained threads’ one_frame() methods, and concatenating the results. E.g., if a broadcast is sent by a thread, we return a one-element list with the new thread-group. If the current thread-group has at least one live thread, then it adds itself to the returned list.

The Project then does a similar process for its thread-groups, collecting a new list of thread-groups ready for the following frame. In practice, it will very often be the case that the same thread-groups are in this list across many frames.

One big assumption is that the computations within the running threads can all complete in under 1/60 second. If this fails to hold, project rendering will be jittery, and the project’s sense of timing, as shown in the wait-seconds system call, will be wrong.

A thread becomes a zombie once it runs to completion at the Python level. Or if it’s running on an object which ceases to be a registered Pytch actor-instance.


All execution is driven by the one_frame() method. Every running thread gets to resume its suspended execution. There are no guarantees about which order various threads run in.


On construction, we run a Python callable, supplying one argument. This technique is used to run an unbound method, passing a particular instance as the argument; the effect is obj.method(). In fact this is not quite true: the method call is stored as a pseudo-suspension; see below.

All threads are running ‘on’ some instance of some actor — this is the python object passed in on construction of the thread, and the single argument of the callable.

Threads run until either they complete at the Python level, or they invoke a Pytch syscall (qv) using the Skulpt suspension mechanism.

The suspension is stored in the Thread as skulpt_susp. This process is bootstrapped by duck-typing a suspension whose resume() runs the obj.method() call as noted above.

Each frame, the thread gets a chance to run: see ‘Time-slice’ below.

Diagnostics: Each registered instance (PytchActorInstance) is given a global numeric ID. Threads have an info bundle with the instance they’re running on, state, and, if waiting, a human friendly summary of what they’re waiting on. Currently unused but could be a ‘top’-style extra pane next to output/error panes.


Each thread gets a call to its one_frame(). That calls into Python via the resume() of its suspension. Three things can happen as a result:

  • Runs to completion, returning a Python object (usually None but doesn’t have to be). The thread is done; turned into a Zombie.

  • Calls a Pytch syscall, creating a Skulpt suspension of type Pytch. Handled on the JavaScript side, e.g., broadcast message will usually create new thread-groups. Most syscalls act as co-operative yield points.

  • Returns a non-Pytch suspension. E.g., if time.sleep() is called. This is treated as an error by one_frame().

  • Throws a Python exception, which is turned into a JavaScript exception. Thread is killed and error message reported.

Thread state

A thread is in one of various states:


This thread is ready to be resume()’d at next one-frame.


No further work will be done, but this thread hasn’t been cleaned up yet (can become zombie either because Python code has run to completion, i.e., not invoked syscall; or because object it is running on has become de-registered).


The thread is waiting for some condition to become true. See Types of sleep below.


The user’s code (or possibly some internal code) raised a Python exception or threw a JavaScript error during its most recent scheduled run. The scheduler (top-level one_frame() function) halts the program if this happens.


The thread invoked a syscall requesting the program stop. The scheduler stops the program if this happens.

Waking paused threads

Thread has maybe_wake() and should_wake() which test whether the condition for resumption of that thread has occurred. Done by polling to avoid callbacks into a project. If the live project changed between setting up a thread and a completion callback firing, confusion could result.

Culling zombies

The thread-group lets all its threads run, collecting new thread-groups as noted elsewhere. Some of its threads might have run to completion on the Python side, i.e., the function / method call returned. Such a thread becomes a Zombie; the thread-group culls zombies. Doing so might mean that there are no threads any more; in that case the thread-group does not include itself in the list of for-next-frame thread groups it returns.

Types of sleep

The following kinds of sleeping can happen, caused by the given user-level calls.

  • Passage of time: wait_seconds()

  • Thread group completion: broadcast_and_wait()

  • Sound completion: play_sound_until_done()

  • Answer to question: ask_and_wait()