
There is a need for an object maintaining certain pieces of over-arching state, such as the collection of registered Sprites, and the registered instances of those Sprites. This job is done by the Project class.

The ‘live’ project

Within the web-app, there is the concept of the current ‘live’ project, which is the one the web-app interacts with. When a new script is built in the web-app, a new project instance usually becomes the live one. (One future possibility is that more than one project could run at the same time, but we have not explored this idea.)

This concept is only relevant to the web-app. But the job of tracking the ‘live project’ cannot be done solely within the webapp, because the live project is set from within Python, but referred to from the web-app.

Parent project of actor

(TODO: Can this info be moved somewhere else? When discussing registration?) Some classes need to know which project their instances are part of: PytchActor, Thread. Needed to handle broadcasts — the project is what knows which actors handle the message.

Done on JavaScript side and also on Python side; registering a class with a Project stores a ref to that Python-level project object inside the registered class (_pytch_parent_project attribute). Makes it easier to implement some behaviour in Python rather than JavaScript.