Webapp (developer guide)¶
The webapp is a React (v18) app, using Easy-Peasy (v5) for state maintenance. We use Bootstrap (v5) for UI primitives such as buttons. Routing is done with react-router. Testing is done with Cypress.
On-device storage of user projects is done with an IndexedDB instance, accessed vie Dexie.js.
Top-level routes¶
The main user-visible “modes” of the webapp are as follows. As well as the below, there are two unlinked routes, intended to be sent as links to interested parties: for suggesting a particular tutorial, and for suggesting a particular demo. These are not discussed here.
Welcome / home page¶
Overview of the app and the research project. Some hand-chosen “featured projects”.
Project list¶
Queries the IndexedDB instance for the projects stored on the user’s device, lists them, allows renaming or deleting (also in bulk). Main use-case is to open a particular project in the IDE.
Tutorial list¶
Lists the available self-paced tutorials, allowing the user to try the finished version of each one, or set up a project which tracks that tutorial, showing them the chapters of text, code diffs, etc.
Integrated development environment¶
The main component of the app. Allows the user to work with a particular one of their projects. User can edit code, manage project assets (images and sounds), and run their program. Contains the following, in two possible layouts. The user can also open a full-screen mode, containing just the stage and its controls.
Based on the Ace editor, augmented with custom completions and some other keyboard commands.
Stage and controls¶
Contains an HTML Canvas where the running project is rendered.
Information panel¶
A tabbed panel. Tabs for: the project’s assets; output printed by user programs; errors raised by user programs; self-paced tutorial content if this project is tracking a tutorial.
(In local development mode, also contains a tab of diagnostics for live-reload editing of code or tutorial content in an external editor.)
Individual aspects of design¶
Not everything is covered here, but the details below might be useful if you’re working on the affected areas.
The interaction between the Skulpt Python runtime and the webapp is outlined within the VM developer docs.