
There is a distinction between a Sound, which contains all the data to describe a sound, and a SoundPerformance, which represents one occasion of playing some sound. These map fairly closely to the Web Audio concepts of AudioBuffer and AudioBufferSource respectively.

Mix buses

We want to mimic the Scratch behaviour of each individual sprite instance having its own volume, which can be set independently, and which controls the gain of all (possibly concurrent) sounds played by that sprite instance. In Pytch, the model is that when a sprite instance starts playing a sound, it does so into a “mix bus” associated with that sprite instance. Each mix bus has a gain, which has a default value of 1.0, and can be set and read. Gains less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0 should not be used; this mimics Scratch behaviour.

A mix bus is identified by its name, a string. Pytch uses the sprite-instance’s info_label for this, which consists of the class name and a numeric instance ID joined with a hyphen.

Global “sound manager” object

There is a Skulpt/Pytch-global sound_manager object. It keeps track of a collection of mix buses, ensuring that each one has its own gain. The object provides methods:

  • async_load_sound(tag, url_or_path) — return (a Promise resolving to) a Sound object

  • stop_all_performances() — cancel all running SoundPerformances

  • reset() — set the sound-manager’s state such that it is as if it was freshly constructed

  • set_mix_bus_gain(mix_bus_name, gain) — set the gain of the mixing bus with the given mix_bus_name to gain

  • get_mix_bus_gain(mix_bus_name) — return the gain of the mixing bus with the given mix_bus_name

  • one_frame() — do whatever housekeeping is required internally for the sound-manager

The client (test or browser) is responsible for calling one_frame(); we don’t do this in the Project, to separate these concerns, and in case we ever have multiple concurrent projects.

Sound object

Created by the sound-manager’s async_load_sound() method. Has the single method

  • launch_new_performance(mix_bus_name) — create and start playing a new performance of this sound on the mixing bus with the given mix_bus_name

and the property

  • tag — a short human-useful string for diagnostic purposes, set from the tag argument to async_load_sound()

SoundPerformance object

Created by the launch_new_performance() method of a Sound. Has the properties

  • tag — diagnostic tag for human consumption; the tag of the Sound of which this is a performance

  • has_ended — indicates whether the performance has ended or not (if not, the performance is still going)

and the single method

  • stop() — interrupt the performance, stopping any noise, and marking the performance as having ended

It is not an error to call stop() on an already-ended performance.

Registration of sounds

An actor (sprite or stage) Python class should have a class-level attribute Sounds which is a list of 2-element tuples (name, url). The url should point to a sound file of supported format. The name is used in Actor methods to be described next.

Actor methods for playing sounds

An actor has the sound-related methods

  • self.start_sound(name) — launch a new performance of the given sound, and continue execution of the current thread immediately

  • self.play_sound_until_done(name) — launch a new performance of the given sound, and pause the calling thread’s execution until the sound has finished playing

Implemented via a syscall which uses the global sound-manager. The ‘until done’ variant puts the thread to sleep; the has_ended property is polled to know when to wake it.

Sound manager separate one-frame() call; serves pretty different purposes in test and real; not fully convinced this is a clean design; could have instead had the project’s one-frame() call the sound-manager’s but kept separate in case ever have more than one project.

Real browser-based sound-manager

Sound is async-loaded by decoding from array-buffer, and creating Sound from it. Sound can create buffer-source, which is wrapped in sound-performance.

Small wrinkle because can’t create running audio-context without user gesture, so have to defer creating sound-manager (with its audio-context) until first ‘BUILD’ click.

Red-flag stops all sounds, which means we need to track all running performances. Add them to list when launched. One-frame culls all completed performances from that list.

Testing / mock sound-manager

Knows how many frames to wait before declaring a performance ‘done’. The one_frame() method allows the sound-manager to count elapsed frames.