Actor-class registration

Each Actor class (on the Python side) has a corresponding PytchActor object on the JavaScript side. This is responsible for holding the Costumes of a Sprite (or Backdrops of a Stage), its Sounds, and the list of live instances of that Actor. There is exactly one live instance for the Stage; there is at least one for a Sprite, but there can be more (if clones have been created).

We store a reference to the Python class object inside the JavaScript PytchActor. For ease of going the other way for some syscalls (DOC TODO: which?), we also attach a property to the Python class object referring back to the JavaScript PytchActor.

On construction of the PytchActor, we create one Python instance, and a corresponding PytchActorInstance object on the JavaScript side. This Python object is the ‘original’ instance, also sometimes referred to as ‘instance-0’.

Loading costumes / backdrops and sounds

In web-app, this loading will be asynchronous, so the general logic has to be too. Skulpt has a mechanism for using JavaScript promises as Skulpt suspensions (and mapping the other way too) so this interface point is fairly straightforward.


An object of the JavaScript class PytchActorInstance corresponds to a registered Python instance of an Actor-derived class. It knows which PytchActor it’s an instance of, and it knows the Python-side object it represents.

The consequences of a Python object being a ‘registered’ instance of an Actor class are as follows. Within the web-app, Pytch will render it on the screen. The object will have methods called on it in response to events such as keypresses or broadcasts.