
Provides interactive system for developing Pytch applications.

Relies on the following, as well as on Skulpt:

  • jQuery

  • the Ace editor

  • jquery-dropdown

Bulk of work is done by the Pytch runtime, including its Skulpt base. The job of the web-app is to provide the Skulpt/Pytch API dependency points (e.g., keyboard, async-load-image).

Rendering: done via an HTML5 canvas.

Keyboard: very similar to mock keyboard except needs to prevent default handling of key events in Pytch canvas.

Tracks ‘current live project’, i.e., the one which is actually being rendered to the canvas and receives keyboard etc events. Get new ‘live project’ as part of boilerplate at the end of a Pytch program which does go_live(), which happens on ‘build’. Each import-as-main done on the code (with its boilerplate) creates a new Project object; previous live-project is ‘cut loose’ to float off into garbage; its continuations/suspensions are never resume()d so nothing happens. On first load, have a do-nothing project implementing same interface.

Changed indicator

Any edit brings up ‘your code changed’ msg; goes away on build. Not intelligent; if you insert a character then delete it again, it still thinks code has “changed”.


Fetch into current editor. Populate menu on load of web-app from hard-coded list. (Could be done as a separate file or sth if this gets unwieldy.)


Via browser local storage. Single-level flat ‘filesystem’.

Interaction with examples

Loading an example suggests ‘My X’ as project name for saving.

Stdout and errors

Python output / errors are collected into panels. (Skulpt has no ‘sys.stderr’.)

Go / stop buttons

Green-flag and red-stop click targets. Feed events into live-project’s API points.

Building project

Executes the user’s program as new ‘main’ module. Expected to interact with the Pytch / Skulpt runtime via setting the ‘current live project’.

Stage canvas

One object; knows how to render ‘put image’ instructions. Passes key events it receives on to the ‘browser keyboard’ which in turn is what’s used as ‘keyboard’ dependency of Skulpt/Pytch API.

Annoying coordinate transform needed to cope with Scratch’s (mathematically sensible) coord frame vs computer-graphics-style canvas coord frame.

Global state lifecycle

(DOC TODO: Better name for this section.)

When class registered, one ‘original’ instance created. Instance-0. Any state in those objects persists across external events such as green-flag, red-stop.