Linked content for a project

For classroom use, it is helpful for students to be able to start work on an existing specimen of code. Their task might be to modify it in some way, or answer some questions about how it works.

A Pytch project, as stored in the user’s project list, therefore has linked content, which can be of various kinds. There is a "none" kind to represent the case where there is no linked content. Other kinds of linked content are:


The project is linked to a specimen project, usually as part of a lesson which directs the student to make some changes to the project or investigate it in some way.


The project is following a script-by-script tutorial.

It’s possible that “flat” tutorial content will be folded into this model in the future.

Linked specimen

A project can be linked to a specimen project. When such a project is created, it is identical to the referred-to specimen.

Creation of a specimen-linked project

It must be easy for a student, in a classroom-like environment, to create a project from a particular specimen. However, we want to avoid the situation where the user ends up with lots of identical projects cluttering up their project list. Therefore there is slightly fiddly logic by which the app decides whether to create a new project for the user, open an existing one, or give that choice to the user. This logic lives in the ProjectFromSpecimenFlow model slice.

If the app needs the user to make a choice from different options (e.g., create a new project vs open an existing one), this is handled by the component ProjectFromSpecimenFlow.

The user visits a URL like

where the course-1/week-1 portion is free-form. The single-page app has a route lesson/*, the handler of which makes a request for the specimen project at, for this example, the URL

The lesson content is kept outside the main app deployment to allow independent development and updates. For local development, yet another local HTTP server is required.

Loading of linked content

When the user is working with a project which has non-trivial (i.e., not of kind "none") linked content, an information bar appears above the editor pane. This shows the title of the linked specimen, and has a drop-down for various actions relating to the specimen. The linked content is loaded (asynchronously) as part of fetching the project from the IndexedDB store.


The script-by-script IDE shows a brief summary panel for "specimen" linked content. For linked "jr-tutorial" content, the IDE has a lesson tab in the activity bar at the left.

Specimen linked content

The specimen is loaded via a URL based on the content hash of the specimen project. This means that the server must provide the project zip in response to a URL like⋯

as well as via whatever path such as lesson-specimens/course-1/ the content was originally loaded from.

On the server side, this is currently implemented by making the ‘files’ under _by_content_hash_ be symbolic links to the original files, e.g.,

├── 0f33⋯ ⇒ ../course-1/
├── 2065⋯ ⇒ ../course-1/

Currently the linked content is just the project, but in future we might combine this with metadata, such as suggested tasks or challenges which the student can attempt based on that specimen.