Tutorial structure

The {base} commit of the tutorial should add the code.py file with the same contents as the IDE starts off with in the code pane.

Structure on the server

The URL structure of the tutorials is:

├── index.html
└── tutorials/1234abcd1234abcd1234
     ├── tutorial-index.html
     ├── bunner/
     │   ├── tutorial.html
     │   ├── summary.html
     │   ├── project-assets.json
     │   ├── tutorial-assets/
     │   │   └── summary-screenshot.png
     │   └── project-assets/
     │       └── images/
     │           ├── world.png
     │           ├── car00.png
     :           :   :
     │           └── digit-9.png
     ├── boing/
     │   ├── tutorial.html
     │   ├── summary.html
     │   ├── project-assets.json
     │   ├── tutorial-assets/
     │   │   └── summary-screenshot.png
     │   └── project-assets/
     │       └── images/
     │           ├── robot-normal.png
     │           ├── robot-flash.png
     :           :   :
     │           └── table.png

(The 1234abcd1234abcd1234 is a shortened SHA1 to avoid false cacheing of updated tutorial content.)

Structure of HTML fragment

The tutorial.html file is not a complete HTML page. It is a fragment whose top-level element is a <div>, which contains the front-matter and the chapters of the tutorial.

The structure is:

<div class="tutorial-bundle" data-tip-sha1="...SHA1...">
  <div class="front-matter"
       data-complete-code-text="import pytch etc">
    <p>In this tutorial etc.</p>
  <div class="chapter-content">  <!-- first chapter -->
    <h2>Making the stage</h2>
    <p>First we make the stage etc.</p>
    <div class="patch-container"
         data-code-as-of-commit="import pytch etc">
      <div class="patch">
        <table> <!-- rows for lines of first hunk of patch --> </table>
        <table> <!-- rows for lines of second hunk of patch --> </table>
    <p>And then we etc.</p>
    <div class="patch-container"
       <div class="patch">
         <!-- <table>s for hunks of patch -->
  <div class="chapter-content">  <!-- second chapter -->
    <h2>Adding our hero</h2>
    <p>Next we bring in the rabbit etc.</p>
    <!-- more <p>s, patch-<div>s, <h3>s, etc. -->
  <!-- further chapters -->

The <table> elements of class patch have their bodies grouped into <tbody>> elements, grouping together each kind of hunk line — add, delete, or unchanged.

An add <tbody> has an attribute data-added-text whose value is the text added by that group of lines. The IDE picks this up to allow the copy functionality to work.

The data-tip-sha1 attribute on the top-level div notes which commit the tutorial was generated from. Currently it’s not used but might one day be part of a ‘technical details’ report for diagnostics.


Syntax highlighting via Pygments?

Launch at any chapter via query param. (Front-matter is ‘chapter 0’.) The History API for browsers might make a nice addition, to allow you to bookmark a particular chapter of the tutorial.

Challenges for the learner / alternative development approaches: GS notes/asks: If I wanted to show an alternative way to code something in the tutorial then I wonder if I could make a branch and have that somehow presented in the tutorial as an alternative to the main-line of the tutorial? I wouldn’t want to do this much because I think it would make the tutorial very untidy and hard to navigate.