Using an external editor

The pytch-build repo includes a websocket server pytchbuild-watch, which watches a tutorial’s and files. If the appropriate environment variable is set, the webapp attempts to connect to this server. If successful, the webapp listens for updates from the server, and live-reloads either the code or the tutorial content.

Launching the watcher

The watcher websocket server can be launched with, for example,

cd pytch-tutorials-repo-directory
pytchbuild-watch qbert

where qbert here is a directory name within the pytch-tutorials repo, saying which tutorial to monitor.

Live-reload of code

You can then edit with your editor or development environment of choice. Whenever the on-disk file changes, the watcher will send it to the webapp, which will build and green-flag the project. This makes it easy for developers with experience of other IDEs or editors to use their existing workflows with Pytch. We are not imagining that it will be the primary method that most users in the intended audience will use to write Pytch programs, though.

Live-reload of tutorial content

Once the git history is in a reasonable form for explaining the development of the project which is the subject of the tutorial, the author then typically switches to working on the actual tutorial content. This is done by working on the file. Again, this can be done in the author’s editor of choice. Whenever the file changes, the watcher sends the tutorial content to the webapp, which updates its Tutorial tab.

To start writing a new tutorial, the pytchbuild-new-tutorial tool can be used.

Marking the work-in-progress chapter

When working on a tutorial, you can include the shortcode

{{< work-in-progress >}}

in a chapter body to indicate that this is the chapter you’re working on. The effect of this is that the webapp will navigate to this chapter on live-reload, with the code in the state it would be had the student followed carefully up to the end of the previous chapter.

TODO: Warn if this is left in for a production build of the tutorials.